I'm sure there are literally millions of people out there who are in the same dilemma as I am - basically you need to use a computer regularly but meanwhile, you can literally feel and see it deteriorating your health. I find myself in front of the screen much too often each day and catch myself slouching, barely breathing, and drained of vitality too often as well. My eyesight alone has become progressively worse much quicker than if I only read newspapers, used a typewriter or a pen, and spoke to people in person instead of using email.
Is the solution to quit 'cold turkey'? I would say that would be ideal, but not really possible if you still want to be up to pace with modern society. However, we could all change a few habits to keep our computers from robbing our life force or making us feel that they are our lifeforce that we must plug into daily. So this list is just a reminder to myself and everybody who is reading this right now - take from it what you will...
1) I'd rather you get up and talk a walk outside right now rather than sit here and read this.
2) If you're going to sit here and read this, take a moment to close your eyes and sense how your body feels. Just breathe 5 deep breaths and feel everything.
3) So are your shoulders tense? Ass and legs numb? Wrists and fingers molded into claws? Eyes foggy?
4) Okay just raise your arms up, stretch back and inhale and then stand up and walk around for a few seconds. Feel free to not come back. ;)
5) If you came back and you are sitting here again, let's work on your posture. You just have to stop slouching like this. Try sitting up more straight, not stiffly, and increase the depth of your breath as you read this. Roll your shoulders back a few times, stretch your neck, stretch your fingers, raise your arms up again, rub your eyes.
6) Come back to your deeper breathing and better posture. Try to keep coming back to this each time you sit down at your desk and each time you pause between typing or clicking. Not only now, but all times you are at the computer think breath and posture. (Try drinking some water too instead of that coffee!)
7) Now let's just think for a minute about what you are doing on the computer right now... How long have you used one today? For what reasons? Where they all necessary? Did you come to the computer to avoid something else, like maybe you didn't feel like doing your laundry, or you were 'bored', or you were lonely? Maybe you are at work and feel chained to the damn thing. Does this kind of job really suit you?
8) Don't forget, are you still breathing? Are you sitting up so your blood can really circulate through your whole body?
9) Maybe it's time to add some variety and spice into your life. No, don't start searching the web for that dream vacation/date/job. How about right now you get out for awhile, take a walk and let your own mind dream of some ways you could spend some quality 'off-time'. Even just simple stuff like walking the dog more often would be a good start.
10) And when you must get some work done on the computer, be it creative or to pay the bills, remember that back in the day artists and business people alike were able to function without computers, so it is not absolutely impossible. Maybe it would be fun to own an old typewriter, or write some letters in script, or mix that song on a 4-track, or do some research or make some travel plans by going to the library for a change and leafing through some books...
11) Okay, you're still here. Well don't forget to breathe, stretch, and at least take a break once in a while! (Remember though, heading for the TV doesn't count as a break. ;)
03:33 PM in Art, Commentary, Drawings | Permalink | Comments (0)
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